Tuesday, May 13, 2014

On being stuck (and making goals).

I’ve been feeling stuck lately. The monotony of: wake up, walk a mile and a half to work, work with challenging children for 9 hours, walk a mile and a half home, make dinner, waste time, go to sleep, wake up…it’s been getting me down. Actually, the truth is that the daily schedule really isn’t that bad. I’ve been sleeping later and later because my kind husband has been getting up in the morning to make me breakfast, pack my lunch, hand me my backpack, and scoot me out the door. Basically taking complete care of me. I’d probably still be asleep at this moment if he didn’t literally pick me up out of bed at 6:45 this morning. And walking to work? Welllll that hasn’t really been happening the last few weeks. My friend Matt who teaches PE at my school has been graciously allowing me to hop in his car each morning. So instead of walking all the way to work, I walk to his apartment which cuts my 30 minute walk down to about 7. And he usually drives me home too, which means I have a longer evening. So maybe I’m just being lazy and whiney, but I still feel stuck. When stuck, I like to make lists. At a particularly stuck moment yesterday (It was Monday so … ya know, Mondays) I decided to write down my goals. I needed to get unstuck. I came up with 15. I’m not going to share them all here because that would probably set me up for dismal failure. Instead I picked one and gave myself a deadline.

By: Next Monday, 5/19

Braden and I have been working on cleaning out unnecessary clutter in our lives by finding stuff to donate and sell on eBay. It also helps us earn some extra cash! We’ve been able to put money earned on eBay toward acting costs for Braden and after a recent trip we used it to order delivery when we were too tired to make dinner. Or get off the couch. So anyway, eBay has been pretty good to us but listing the items takes time and effort and doesn’t typically make it to the top of my list of things I feel like doing after work. My goal is to list all of our eBay items by next Monday. I’ll check in and let you know how it goes! 


  1. We just started listing things on eBay too! We're getting "spring cleaning fever" !!

  2. It's annoying to do but worth it when we sell something!
